“I’ve met a few great masters of inner growth, and I’ve met several truly great business people, but I’ve never met anyone who has mastered the connection between the two worlds the way Marsh Engle has. Her depth of intuition is scary, her openness inspiring, and her laughter infectious. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather work through a problem with than Marsh. She is just plain great.”
Anne Woods, President & CEO
The Millennium Group, Los Angeles, California
"Marsh will give you the wise and sage counsel of one who has truly mastered the mission in their own life! She will give you the tools that will transform the way you perceive yourself and your life's work! Give yourself the gift of this marvelous opportunity!"
Dr. Sharron Stroud
Innerfaith Spiritual Center, Palm Springs, CA

Working with Marsh transformed not only my business but how I view myself as a transformational author, speaker and coach. She has the remarkable gift of seeing and blending my unacknowledged gifts and helping me build my platform with confidence, heart-felt enthusiasm, and courage.
Joy Osaka-Lu, Founder
One Ripple, LLC

"My career soared!
After working with Marsh my confidence sky-rocketed. Her techniques and tools took me to a whole new level in terms of being
a leader and a trailblazer.
Thank you, Marsh for all you
did to support my success and
the success of all women."
Sherry Gaba, LCSW.
Author & Speaker, Celebrity Life Coach,
Psychotherapist on VH1-TV Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew
“My sessions with you have taken my career to a new level. Your intuitive skills are profound! In a few sessions I’ve seen a difference in the way I am able to be more productive in all that I do. Your support in honing in on the areas that needed focus changed everything!”
Esateys, Author
The Power of the Total Body Matrix
Portland, Oregon
“I am still on a high from contact with Marsh Engle and her energy. It is almost like my body cannot contain its magnitude! Following her keynote address to our women’s group, I had the great good fortune to spend the afternoon with Marsh and saw her energy in action. She is a model for me of spirituality in action in the world.”
Sheila M. Kelly
Leadership Coach and Author
Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

Marsh Engle is a genius at bringing clarity to your ideas and providing you with a clear vision to launch your career and understanding what message you want to share with the world and how to generate income as a speaker, writer or world changer. Her signature teachings are life changing and prepares you for possibilities beyond your wildest imagination.”
Donna Barr
Author, Speaker & Transformational Leader
“Marsh, I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for your leadership, mentorship, coaching, and expertise in guiding me towards my goal of amplifying my voice. I am truly appreciative of you and your work!"
Pamela Plick
Speaker, Author and Money Mentor for Women
"You have no idea how much you've impacted my life after the death of my husband. You've literally saved and helped redirect my life and re-connect me to my own personal power and my purpose."
Patrina Wisdom
Author, Speaker, Movement Leader

If you are looking for someone that can see you before you have even seen yourself, then you have come to the right place. Marsh Engle’s ability to help you craft your work and find your voice is unapparelled. With gentle guidance, she nudges you into the truth of what you want to say. I always come away from a session empowered with my truest voice. I now speak all over the country sharing my gifts and my story, empowering people to live their joy every day. Marsh, thank you for being a teacher and mentor in my life.
Conni Ponturo
Author, Speaker & Transformational Leader
Christine Howard
Leadership and Lifestyle Coach/Speaker
Marsh is so much more than a coach! Her visionary gifts have helped me see what I wasn’t able to see for myself. While she has helped me define and up-level my brand, she has helped me in an even bigger way. Her intuitive guidance, mindful listening, and inspirational teaching have supported me in bringing more of my innate essence to the world in not only my work but also in who I am being. Her support has been immeasurable and I am blessed and grateful to have her as a coach, mentor, and friend.

Julia Loggins
Multi-Published Author
Founder of Dare to Detoxify
When I met Marsh Engle, I barely knew what a brand even was! Having been a gut health expert for 30 years, my expertise was in one-on-one coaching. I dreamed of sharing all I knew about gut health with an audience outside my office...and Marsh made that possible! She was key in helping me name and create my brand, "It Takes Guts To Be Happy," which changed forever my relationship with my work and how I saw myself in the world. If you want not only a personal coach but one who is also a brilliant marketing guru, say YES! right now. I am so grateful that I did.